Wednesday, August 30, 2006

just because steve said i needed a new post :D ...his exact words being "if you blog it, they will come"...however, I think that steve is pretty much the only person who ever reads this blog, and only HI Steve!! School has started, and i am superbly busy! My classes are keeping me PLENTY busy!! a whole lot harder than last semester!! :) and the honors program is quite sure to take over my life one of these days, but I am absolutely loving every minute of it!! Highlight of the week...steve and i made a new friend on monday night! his name is bruno, and he's a duck. not just an ordinary duck though! oh no my friends! this was the most incredibly amazing duck EVER! He followed us, he let us pet him, he stuck his head in steve's shirt, and he sat on my lap! crazy beyond all crazy, yes, i know! but it was good times indeed!! um...i really don't have much else to say. i am about to go to help set up the club fair...isaac and i are in charge of the honors program table, so i should probably get over there and start helping to get organized...tee hee hee!! if anyone other than steve is reading are my hero! but can still be my hero, just because you're splendidly cool!! Have a good day!! :D