Friday, November 09, 2007


Yes...I received some inspiration today to update my blog more often. (Thanks Elizabeth!) So, although I may not think that I have a lot to say, here goes...the random thoughts and rantings of Lindsey. :D
I observed a class at the local High School this morning. It was Marvelous!! I am minoring in ESL, so I sat in on 40 minutes of a high school level ESL class. Why don't they require that in more of my education classes!! In those 40 minutes, I learned more about ESL than I do in weeks of my actual classes. Observing class = spectacular!
I rearranged my room last night. Yes...if you've seen my room you know that it is slightly small...okay it's tiny. It fits my bed, a bookcase, a bedstand, and nothing else. I very much like the new arrangement. Okay...all I did was move the bed a foot and a half away from the microscopic window and move my bedstand to the other side, but it made a huge difference! I love small changes like that. They add just enough variety to make me content. :D
Running = Bliss. I discovered yesterday that running could just be the thing that will keep me sane. I think I have discovered that several times, I just never act on it. So...I promise myself right here and right now that I will run more often. At least 3 days per week. Ha!
As the holidays approach...Thanksgiving is two weeks from yesterday!...I look forward most to the family, traditions, comfort, warmth, and happiness. I look forward to the smell of yummy treats in the kitchen, curling up by the fire with a peppermint stick and a good book, coming in for a cup of hot cocoa after exerting all of my energy to play in the snow, and countless other Holiday treats.
I think that's all for this present moment... It's about time for me to leave the education lab. :) More to follow...