Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm moving!!
Love to you all!!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
happiness and joy

So I know that picture isn't exactly the best quality...But there you go! :D That lovely park is where I became the official future Mrs. Steven Corry. :D Anyway...I just wanted to blog about my happiness at the moment. :) 70 days... :D
Friday, December 21, 2007
Snow and Icicles...
Also...I woke up early today (5:45) and sat in my family room with the fireplace on, and the Christmas tree turned on. That is the very essence of happiness. I love the holidays. I hope to be back with more of a cool blog soon. :D But for now...this will have to suffice. Enjoy!

I wish that were me...walking home to a nice comfy couch by a fire with hot chocolate...and peppermint...*sigh*

Thursday, December 06, 2007
I lose.
Well- I'm off to spend my last 45 minutes at work doing what I should have been doing the whole time...homework. Enjoy! And an early Merry Christmas to all!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
There was a sense of excitement and anticipation...

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday Morning...
Last night Steve and I went to "Crazy for George", an SUU opera production in tribute to George Gershwin. It was marvelous! He wrote such fun music! I had never heard many of the songs before, but they all made me want to just get up and dance! Fortunately, after the production, we went to Cedar City's birthday ball, where we danced the night away to music performed by a local big band. Marvelous. And yes, Cedar City does celebrate its birthday. And it's done right! Performances from Ballroom Dance Team, dancing to a local band made up of all these cute little old guys, and for dessert...cobbler. My personal favorite. :D I tried apple for the first time last night. And it was very good. I think it's about scripture time, so I'm off. -till next time!
ps- I did my running 3 days this past week. Let's see how long I can keep that up. :D
Friday, November 09, 2007
I observed a class at the local High School this morning. It was Marvelous!! I am minoring in ESL, so I sat in on 40 minutes of a high school level ESL class. Why don't they require that in more of my education classes!! In those 40 minutes, I learned more about ESL than I do in weeks of my actual classes. Observing class = spectacular!
I rearranged my room last night. Yes...if you've seen my room you know that it is slightly small...okay it's tiny. It fits my bed, a bookcase, a bedstand, and nothing else. I very much like the new arrangement. Okay...all I did was move the bed a foot and a half away from the microscopic window and move my bedstand to the other side, but it made a huge difference! I love small changes like that. They add just enough variety to make me content. :D
Running = Bliss. I discovered yesterday that running could just be the thing that will keep me sane. I think I have discovered that several times, I just never act on it. So...I promise myself right here and right now that I will run more often. At least 3 days per week. Ha!
As the holidays approach...Thanksgiving is two weeks from yesterday!...I look forward most to the family, traditions, comfort, warmth, and happiness. I look forward to the smell of yummy treats in the kitchen, curling up by the fire with a peppermint stick and a good book, coming in for a cup of hot cocoa after exerting all of my energy to play in the snow, and countless other Holiday treats.
I think that's all for this present moment... It's about time for me to leave the education lab. :) More to follow...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Far too long!!
Time is flying by! And I am so ridiculously behind on my blogging!! So...this past summer was marvelous! I did orientation, I worked, and I took 2 classes. It was much fun. :) Now, there are only 4 weeks of school before finals! Craziness! I'm still working in the Honors Office, and now I'm also working as a lab assistant in the Education Lab...good times. No more Soda Jerk for me. Yes...slightly sad. :( Yep. Oh, and of course I'm still dating this most amazing guy!! Now...a few pictures for your enjoyment. :D

I'll try to keep this lovely thing a little more updated...not that many people read it...but if I do have any readers out there, Hello!!! :D and Have a marvelous day!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A cool experience...
I would like to share with you all a cool experience I had this morning. I was supposed to go down to St. George with 2 of my roommates to go to the temple. But they both decided not to go yesterday. So I wasn’t going to go either, because gas is ridiculously expensive and it’s 50 miles away. But I felt very strongly that I needed to go. When I woke up this morning something was just pushing me out of bed and I really felt like the temple was where I needed to be today. I think Satan was trying to keep me away though, because not only was gas a problem, but when I looked at my new temple recommend, I discovered that the "date of issue" was blank. After many phone calls and rushing around Cedar City, I got it taken care of and I was finally on my way to the temple! As soon as I got on the freeway, I started crying and I didn’t know why. And I'm not one to cry much at all! After a while, I had the feeling that I was not the only one in my car. It was weird, but very nice. I’ve had a rough month, and I felt like there were people in the car helping to comfort me. sounds like one of those stories from the Ensign...but I'm serious! At first I couldn't tell who it was that I felt in the car with me. I think I have an idea on one of them, but it felt like there was more than one. I cried the whole way to the temple. It's a miracle I could still see everything on the road perfectly! I got to the temple and went in to do baptisms. The volunteers were very happy to see me, and asked me how long I had. I replied that I had all day and was in no hurry to get anywhere. The kind lady at the desk said that was great and how would I like to be baptized and confirmed for 22 people? I said I would love to, and it was great! And now I realize that it is no wonder I felt so strongly about going to the temple today. I had 22 “guardian angels” keeping an eye on me and making sure I got here to help them. As weird as it seems, I think that at least one of those women I was baptized for was in the car with me too. I don't know who...but they must have known that I really needed some extra help today. And that is my story for you all. :) I know it sounds weird...especially because nothing even remotely like this has ever happened to me, but it was a very cool experience for me!
Along with my story...I just want to tell all of my friends and family who may happen to read this blog that I love you all LOTS and LOTS!! yep. that's all.