So this is what Steve and I were supposed to see early this morning...hot air balloons rising into the air!! we even woke up early and everything to be at the field around 6:30 or 7 when Skyfest was supposed to prepare to launch their balloons into the air. However, i guess it was too windy or something, because they didn't go up!! Sad day. :( I just wanted to say that. But it was a fun morning anyway! We had an early breakfast at Denny's, and then read scriptures at the institute! :D I like that place! And HOPE choir was singing Christmas songs!! Yes...I love Christmas songs, they're probably my favorite. So I'm in a very good mood at the moment! And I still have 2 1/2 hours before I have to go to my next class, so I wanted to add yet another new post :) I'm kind of having fun with this whole posting thing.....:D Yay for Blogs! Well, I'm off now. Have a beautifully brilliant day, and look for hot air balloons!! :D