Hey look! I made a new post before Steve did! tee hee hee! So...this post comes as a break from O-Chem studying! yep...I have a test in a little over an hour, and so I decided to take a wee little break! Hi everyone...aka...Steve! haha. Maybe I'll remind some people about this blog thingy and see if anyone else reads it! That would be cool!...anywhoo!! I have been mucholy busy the past few weeks! I am still serving on Honors Council-I'm the activities chairman, so I planned the opening meeting on Wednesday, and I'm finishing up preparations for the Freshmen Retreat tonight and tomorrow morning. it's going to be great! I also just got called as the institute choir Vice President, Steve is el presidente! And my new ward calling is Relief Society President. Yep. So between getting all of that stuff organized, I've been a bit busy! however...life is beginning to calm down again, so I think I'll be able to make more awesome posts...hmmm...only they're really not that awesome! So I'm pretty excited that me, Steve, Stacey, and Jens are coming up to SLC in 3 weeks to go to general conference!! YAY!!! It's going to be most awesome! well...I really should get back to my studying...i'm starting to feel a little guilty. :) I love you all...and if you are reading this...you ROCK!! okay steve...now it's really your turn to make a new post! tee hee hee!
PS...here's a picture of me doing what i did before efy! i made 400 chocolates for a wedding somewhere in centerville. Yes...this picture was taken around 8 in the morning, after I had been up dipping chocolates since about 3:45. i was a little tired...:D