Thursday, September 14, 2006

time for change!

yep. so i decided to change my background. i think i kinda like this green thing! I don't have much to write here :D Life is absolutely amazing!! I just had an interview for a job i REALLY want, so I'll let you know how that goes. I'm feeling quite good about i hope that's a good sign :D Other than that, I've just spent the afternoon relaxing and working on some homework. and now i'm back to O-Chem studying!! Yes...I'm recommiting myself to studying my brains out for that class! It's a tough one, and although I absolutely love it...I am struggling a bit...:) That's pretty much it at the moment. My eventful and crazy life has decided to take a break or there's not much going on besides studying...and preparing a talk i'm giving this sunday...:D So, I should probably head off and do something productive. since this really wasn't a very eventful post. i just felt like adding a new one since i changed my background and all...:D haha!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Wow, nice new green template. Its all limey. O-chem, wow I wish I could take that class, well maybe not.